12th International Organic and Natural Food Fair NATURA FOOD & 8th Ecological Lifestyle Fair beECO - Edition: 2019-10-18 - 2019-10-20


  • VITAPRESS Sp. z o.o. - Restauracja Gryfon

    Krótka 5


    Polska, Poland

    W: restauracja-gryfon.pl

    Stand number: C42



    Wilczak 20F/U2

    61-623 Poznań

    Polska, Poland

    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Stand number: MEDIA AREA

  • Wiatrowy Sad - tłocznia soków

    Kałęczew 14

    95-061 Dmosin

    Polska, Poland

    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    W: www.wiatrowysad.pl

    Stand number: D50

    Wiatrowy Sad is situated in the vicinity of the Landscape Park of Łódź Hills, in the valley of the River Mroga, in the Dmosin district. We have been pressing juice from fruits and vegetables since 2011, as precursors in the Łódź region. It should be emphasized that due to the specificity of production, which excludes the use of food additives and preservatives, juices from Wiatrowy Sad are made from whole, healthy and fresh fruits. They do not contain preservatives, any added water or sugar.

  • Winnica Mnich

    Swierkowa 19

    43-520 Mnich

    Polska, Poland

    W: facebook.com/pg/winnicamnich

    Stand number: D1

  • Wioletta Włodarczyk

    Topola Królewska 15

    Topola Królewska 15

    Polska, Poland

    Stand number: D48

  • Wojewódzki Związek Pszczelarzy w Łodzi

    Narutowicza 59

    90-130 Łódź

    Polska, Poland

    P: 42 678 92 74

    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    W: www.wzp-lodz.com.pl

    Stand number: D41

    Wojewódzki Związek Pszczelarzy w Łodzi (The Association of Beekeepers from Łódź Voivodship) is an organization that cares for the decent working conditions of beekeepers operating in the Łódź Province. Beekeepers are associated in 18 sections, and there are about 900 of them. The association works to popularize polish's honey and other bee products.

  • Województwo Dolnośląskie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Dolnośląskiego

    Wybrzeże Słowackiego 12-14

    50-411 Wrocław

    Polska, Poland

    P: 776 90 30

    W:  www.umwd.dolnyslask.pl

    Stand number: D2

  • Województwo Łódzkie

    Al.. Piłsudskiego 8

    90-051 ŁÓDŹ


    P: 426633570

    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    W: www.lodzkie.pl

    Stand number: D35

    Promotion of local food products which are made using traditional methods. They are a part of our region’s culinary heritage and have been registered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on a List of Traditional Products.


    Jagiellońska 26

    03-719 Warszawa

    Polska, Poland

    P: 48225979100

    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    W: www.mazovia.pl

    Stand number: D61

    Power of Mazovia is in our diveristy. Special attention is attached to the quality of products and traditional methods of production. Culinary traditions of Mazovia gives us opportunity to taste uniqe products of regional cuisine. It is our proud to discover the variety of mazovia culinary heritage.

  • Województwo Pomorskie

    Okopowa 21/27

    80-810 Gdańsk


    P: 58 32 68 555

    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    W: www.pomorskie.eu

    Stand number: C42

    Wide sandy beaches and forested areas, few hundred of lakes and rivers, as well as fields filled with gifts of nature, those are just a few of advantages of Pomorskie region. Everyone, who comes here will be able to use all of those and be delighted by local cuisine.

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