22th Fair - Touristic Sites WHERE CULTURES MEET - Edition: 2016-02-26 - 2016-02-28
Lokalna Organizacja Turystyczna Pojezierza Drawskiego w Złocieńcu
Stary Rynek 6
78-520 Złocieniec
P: 947128880
Stand number: 2
Local Tourism Organization of the Drawskie Lakeland in Zlocieniec is an association operating in the Drawskie Lakeland located in the South-East part of the West Poland. Thanks to its position among the lakes, forests and characteristics landscape area the Lake District is the perfect place to relax
Łódzka Kolej Aglomeracyjna
al. Piłsudskiego 12
90-051 Łódź
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Stand number: 42
Lodz Agglomeration Railway (ŁKA) is a regional railway company. LKA connects main cities in Lodzkie and City of Warsaw. Our services are the best opprtunity to travel in our region, we offer fast, reliable and comfortable conveyance for a good, flexible ticket offers including group tickets, trip tickets and other discounts. Get in, we show you Lodzkie!
Łódź - Urząd Miasta Łodzi
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W: www.lodz.pl
Stand number: 40
Łódź is a fascinating city and discovering it is like putting together giant jigsaw puzzles which consist of eclectic palaces of factory owners, grand format murals, flavours of four cultures, factory halls and chimneys, vivid and lively Piotrkowska Street, festivals that appeal to all senses.
Kacsa u.15-23 4.emelet
1027 1027 Budapest
P: 0036/1/488 87 00
F: 0036/1/488 86 00
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Stand number: 78
Mazowiecka Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna
Nowy Świat 27
00-029 Warszawa
P: 228772010
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Stand number: 75
Mazovia. Fashions your passions is a unique proposal of arranging free time and experience unforgettable emotions in Mazovia region. Travelling over Mazovia you will discover unusual places, magnifique tastes of regional dishes and you will become fascinated by design linking tradition and modernity
Miasto Piotrków Trybunalski
Pasaż Karola Rudowskiego 10
97-300 Piotrków Trybunalski
P: 44 732 77 01
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Stand number: 40
Piotrków Trybunalski a royal city where from the 13th century general convents of Polish noblemen were held, as well as parliamentary and the Royal Trybunal sessions. The latter was the first in Europe Highest Court of Justice. It is a city where polish kings began their reigns after being elected.
Miasto Skierniewice
Rynek 1
96-100 Skierniewice
P: 468345100
Stand number: 91
Urząd Miasta Skierniewice
ul. Rynek 1
96-100 Skierniewice
tel. 46 834 51 00
e-mail: umskier@um.skierniewice.pl