22th Fair - Touristic Sites WHERE CULTURES MEET - Edition: 2016-02-26 - 2016-02-28
Biuro Podróży i Tłumaczeń OLIMP s.c. J.K.J. Sawiuk
ul. Piotrkowska 132
90-062 Łódź
P: 42 639 97 65
F: 42 639 97 65
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stand number: 83
We have been operating for over 20 years as an organiser of rehabilitation camps for the disabled, as well as domestic holidays, including mother-and-child, senior holidays and healthcare holidays. We have also been cooperating with tour operators organising foreign holidays and youth camps.
Gmina Opatów
Plac Obrońców Pokoju 34
27-500 Opatów
P: 15 8681300
F: 158684647
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
W: umopatow.pl
Stand number: 30
Opatow is one of the oldest Polish cities - the city rights granted in 1282. Of the most valuable monument of Romanesque architecture Collegiate Church St. Martin, church oo. Bernardine, Ramparts of the preserved gate Warsaw and a unique underground tourist route.