22th Fair - Touristic Sites WHERE CULTURES MEET - Edition: 2016-02-26 - 2016-02-28
Agencja Turystyczna WILEJKA
Piotrkowska 20
90-269 Łódź
P: 426306070,426306800
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stand number: 84
trips to the East
- to St. Petersburg, Trans-Siberian Railway on Lake Baikal, to the Kiev and Chernihiv,Georgia and Uzbekistan
Polish War Cemeteries - Katyn, Kharkov, Miednoje
tour routes:
Mickiewicz, Orzeszkowa, Sienkiewicz, Słowacki
sanatoriums in Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus
visa agency
Gmina Walim
Boczna 9
58-320 Walim
P: 748494340
F: 748494355
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
W: www.walim.pl
Stand number: 46
The Walim Commune is a land of the mysteries of the Owl Mountains, where while being with the profuse Mother-Nature, you can walk on the Medieval Grodno Castle and wander through the post-German tunnels of Walim. It is a perfect place for all-year-round tourism and active recreation.
Warmińsko - Mazurska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna
W: wmrot.org
Stand number: 87
Warszawa – Stołeczne Biuro Turystyki
pl. Defilad 1
00-901 Warszawa
P: +48 22 656 64 86
F: +48 22 656 64 86
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Stand number: 75
Województwo Warmińsko-Mazurskiego
Emilii Plater 1
10-080 Olsztyn
P: +48 895 219 250
F: +48 895 219 259
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stand number: 63
Marshal's Office of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
ul. Emilii Plater 1
10-562 Olsztyn
e-mail: dow@warmia.mazury.pl
tel. 89 521 92 50
fax 89 521 92 59