22th Fair - Touristic Sites WHERE CULTURES MEET - Edition: 2016-02-26 - 2016-02-28
Zachodniopomorska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna
Partyzantów 1
70-222 Szczecin
P: 914334126
F: 914894830
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
W: zrot.pl
Stand number: 77
West Pomerania
Zachodniopomorska Regionalna
Organizacja Turystyczna
Partyzantów 1, 70-222 Szczecin
phone: 091 433 41 26
fax: 091 489 48 30
email: info@zrot.pl
Zespół Parków Krajobrazowych Województwa Łódzkiego
90-113 Łódż
P: 426406561
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stand number: 12
Associacion of Lodzkie Region Landcape Parks is comprise of 7 landscape parks. Each park has various functions: sightseeing, recreational,
tourist, educational, scientific and at the same time realizing
important tasks in the protection of native nature and landscape.
ZHP Chorągiew Łódzka
Stefanowskiego 19
90-537 Łódź
P: 42 636 83 98
Stand number: 97
OW HORYZONT - Dabki between Bukowo lake and the Baltic Sea; Apartments, cottages, campground; WWW.horyzont.ta.pl
Trzmielewo k / Bialy Bor (Człuchów - Koszalin) forest, lake; pavilions, tents; WWW.lodzka.zhp.pl
Jarosławiec Cape Jarosławiecki near Kopań and Wicko lakes, sea; tents; www.lodzka.zhp.pl