22th Fair - Touristic Sites WHERE CULTURES MEET - Edition: 2016-02-26 - 2016-02-28
Ekspozycja PGE Giganty Mocy
pl. Narutowicza 3
97-400 Bełchatów
P: 446351922
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Stand number: 40
PGE Giganty Mocy is a multimedia-based museum of coal and electric power, the first of its kind in Poland. It is one of the major attractions of the Łódzkie Province. This modern presentation displays a selection of items and multimedia materials related to natural science.
Gdańska Organizacja Turystyczna
Uczniowska 22
80-530 Gdańsk
P: 58 305 70 80
F: 58 301 66 37
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Stand number: 76
Gdansk Tourism Organization was founded in year 2002. From this time on it has taken care of Gdansk's image, especially amongst tourists, bloggers, journalists and all companies engaged in tourism. We take active part in all initiatives that aim at rise of Gdansk's recognition in the world.
Gmina Misto Koszalin
Rynek Staromiejski 6-7
75-007 Koszalin
P: 943488872
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Stand number: 32
Koszalin is a major city of Centre Pomerania. Due to one's potential and the development, the city is an economic, social and cultural visiting card of entire region. Attractive putting Koszalin constitutes the great potential of chances and development potentialities both for residents and tourists
91-204 ŁÓDŹ
P: 42/2910944
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Stand number: 85
Green Vello
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W: greenvelo.pl
Stand number: 87
Urząd Miejski w Grudziądzu
Ratuszowa 1
86-300 Grudziądz
P: 56 45 10 330
F: 56 46 258 12
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W: grudziadz.pl
Stand number: 79
Over 700-year-old of tumultuous history of Grudziądz left its permanent mark in the form of exceptional monuments. At the entrance to Grudziądz, the bridge over the Vistula welcomes all tourists with a unique panorama of Gothic granaries.