10th International Organic and Natural Food Fair NATURA FOOD & 6th Ecological Lifestyle Fair beECO - Edition: 2017-10-13 - 2017-10-15


  • J.A.W. Łącz Przetwórstwo Roślin Oleistych-Nasiennictwo Sp. z o.o.

    Świecie nad Osą 93

    86-341 Świecie nad Osą

    Polska, Poland

    E: biuro@olejarnia-swiecie.pl

    W: www.olejarnia-swiecie.pl

    Stand number: 154

    The family company J.A.W. Łącz from Świecie nad Osą for 27 years has been producing natural vegetable cooking oils, cold pressed, unrefined. There is a natural rapeseed oil, linseed oil, hampseed oil and sunflower oil.



    05-110 JABŁONNA


    P: 22 732 25 95

    E: biuro@pronpal.pl


    Stand number: 208A

  • PA-szków Farma

    Ciernie 11

    58-160 Świebodzice


    E: biuro@czarny-czosnek.pl

    W: www.czarny-czosnek.pl

    Stand number: 233

  • Palce lizać

    Kraczkowa 458

    37-124 Kraczkowa

    Polska, Poland

    E: przemek@palcelizac.co

    W: www.palcelizac.co

    Stand number: 127

    The company was founded in 2014 in Rzeszów on the initiative of Przemysław Filip. This small company deals in the production and sale of butter clarified according to the Indian recipe - ghee. The milk comes from cows grazing in the Bieszczady Mountains. Everything takes place in the spirit of the idea of ​​slow and eco.

  • Panek Stanisław

    Rzeźnicza 2

    34-323 Ślemień


    Stand number: 149

  • Pasieka PUCER Dariusz i Małgorzata Pucer

    Pastwiska 7

    11-410 Barciany


    P: 508381243

    E: pasiekapucer@wp.pl

    W: www.pasiekapucer.pl

    Stand number: 150

    We obtain delicate spring honeys, extremely valuable lime honeys and honeydew honeys and the highest quality varietals. We offer both conventional honey and certified organic honey .

  • Pasieka w Lipce Dariusz Serafiński

    Lipka 34

    95-010 Stryków


    P: 666 141 633

    E: dariusz.serafinski@onet.pl

    W: www.pasiekawlipce.pl

    Stand number: 171

    The apiary in Lipka is located in the of the Landscape Park of Lodz Uplands, just along the tourist route to the Janinowskie Wildlife Reserve.

    We have on sale honey from: rapeseed, acacia, Buckwheat.

  • Pasieka Wędrowna Jan i Remigiusz Pleszkun

    Rakowa 21

    10-185 Olsztyn


    P: (89) 523-88-94

    Stand number: 150

  • Pharmovit

    Plac Gabriela Narutowicza 1/6

    09-402 Płock

    Polska, Poland

    P: +48 22 22 82 198

    E: office@pharmovit.pl

    W: www.pharmovit.pl

    Stand number: 65

    Polish manufacturer of dietary supplements. A wide range of plant extracts, vitamins, minerals, chokeberry products and BIO products with PL-EKO-04 certificate. Own production lines and innovative technologies allow us to take care at every stage of production.

  • Piekarnia Gzik

    Traugutta 7

    96-500 Sochaczew


    P: (46) 862-18-66

    E: biuropiekarnia@interia.pl

    Stand number: 181

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