11th International Organic and Natural Food Fair NATURA FOOD & 7th Ecological Lifestyle Fair beECO - Edition: 2018-10-12 - 2018-10-14


  • Wiatrowy Sad - tłocznia soków

    Kałęczew 14

    95-061 Dmosin

    Polska, Poland

    E: soki@wiatrowysad.pl

    W: www.wiatrowysad.pl

    Stand number: 175

    Wiatrowy Sad is situated in the vicinity of the Landscape Park of Łódź Hills, in the valley of the River Mroga, in the Dmosin district. We have been pressing juice from fruits and vegetables since 2011, as precursors in the Łódź region. It should be emphasized that due to the specificity of production, which excludes the use of food additives and preservatives, juices from Wiatrowy Sad are made from whole, healthy and fresh fruits. They do not contain preservatives, any added water or sugar.

  • Winnica Mnich Sylwia i Roman Gabryś

    Świerkowa 19

    43-520 Mnich


    Stand number: 167

  • Województwo Dolnośląskie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Dolnośląskiego

    Wybrzeże Słowackiego 12-14

    50-411 Wrocław

    Polska, Poland

    P: 776 90 30

    W:  www.umwd.dolnyslask.pl

    Stand number: 169



    90-051 ŁÓDŹ


    P: 42 66 33 570

    E: agnieszka.mikulska@lodzkie.pl

    W: www.lodzkie.pl

    Stand number: 178

    The aim of the Polish Food Producer contest on regional and national levels is to promote the best Polish enterpreneurs producing food and, by granting this title, to authenticate the high quality of these enterprises’ products.

  • Województwo Małopolskie

    Racławicka 56

    30-017 Kraków


    P: (48) 12 630 34 44

    E: sekretariat@umwm.pl

    W: www.targiinnowacji.malopolska.pl

    Stand number: 151

    The Małopolska Region is a strong economic centre and, without a doubt, a perfect place to develop business, so that’s way Malopolska – as the first Polish region – has been awarded by the Committee of Regions with the title of “The European Entrepreneurial Region”.

    Supporting innovativeness of companies is one of the most important activities of regional authorities in Małopolska. The region strengthens its economic potential by creating conditions for developing its smart specializations.

    Malopolska Region

    Marshal Office of Malopolska Region

    Treasury and Economy Department

    ul. Racławicka 56, 30-017 Kraków

    tel.: 12 630 34 44

    e-mail: sg.sekretariat@umwm.pl



  • Województwo Mazowieckie

    Jagiellońska 26

    03-719 Warszawa


    P: 22 59 79 540

    E: dkpit@mazovia.pl

    W: www.mazovia.pl

    Stand number: 207

  • Województwo Pomorskie

    Okopowa 21/27

    80-810 Gdańsk


    P: 58 32 68 555

    E: info@pomorskie.eu

    W: www.pomorskie.eu

    Stand number: 166

    Wide sandy beaches and forested areas, few hundred of lakes and rivers, as well as fields filled with gifts of nature, those are just a few of advantages of Pomorskie region. Everyone, who comes here will be able to use all of those and be delighted by local cuisine.

  • Województwo Śląskie

    Ligonia 46

    40-037 Katowice


    W: www.slaskie.pl

    Stand number: 167

  • Województwo Wielkopolskie z siedzibą Urzędu Marszałkowskiego Województwa Wielkopolskiego w Poznaniu

    al. Niepodległości 34

    61-714 Poznań


    P: 61 626 65 00

    F: 61 626 65 01

    E: dr.sekretariat@umww.pl

    W: www.umww.pl

    Stand number: 165

  • Wydawnictwo Ambos Jerzy Mazur

    Łanowa 32/6

    91-110 Łódź


    E: j.mazur@ambos.pl

    W: www.rynek-lodzki.pl

    Stand number: 206

    Ambos Publishing prepares ads, brochures, illustrated magazines and books for print. Since 2001 we have been issuing a city guide "Rynek Lódzki", distributed at the airport, hotels, offices, shopping malls, restaurants, tourist offices and travel agencies.

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