11th International Organic and Natural Food Fair NATURA FOOD & 7th Ecological Lifestyle Fair beECO - Edition: 2018-10-12 - 2018-10-14


  • Nalewki Staropolskie

    Wiosenna 60

    05-092 Łomianki

    P: 228646547

    E: nalewki@nalewki.pl

    W: www.nalewki.pl

    Stand number: 207

  • Narum Sp. z o.o.

    Świeradowska 47

    02-662 Warszawa


    P: 48226022352

    E: shop@mynarum.com

    W: www.mynarum.com

    Stand number: 24A

    Narum - producer and distributor of the Narine probiotic - the strongest pro-health bacteria in the world

    Invented in 1949 in Armenia

    Known only in Armenia Russia and Japan despite many scientific and clinical studies confirming its versatile effectiveness

    Narine is a pathogen buster!

    It cleanses the body from pathogenic bacteria, fungi and toxins

    It seals the intestinal mucosa and normalizes its natural microbiome

    It is resistant to antibiotics, chemotherapy and antiseptic drugs




    05-110 JABŁONNA


    P: 22 732 25 95

    E: biuro@pronpal.pl


    Stand number: 127

  • Natura & Zdrowie

    Matuszewska 20

    03-876 Warszawa


    W: www.greenport.pl

    Stand number: MEDIA

  • Naturalna Medycyna Sp. z o.o.

    Piaskowa 5

    66-008 Wilkanowo

    Polska, Poland

    P: 733300548

    E: pawel@naturalna-medycyna.com.pl

    W: www.sklep-naturalna-medycyna.com.pl

    Stand number: 42

    Naturalna Medycyna Sp. z o.o. operates in the field of import and distribution of products related to natural and unconventional medicine. We run retail and wholesale sales as well as manage the franchise chain Naturalna Medycyna. We invite interested parties to cooperate.

  • NaturaRaj, Żywność Ekologiczna, Hurt-detal, Magdalena Kamińska

    Pokrzydowo, 139A

    87-312 Pokrzydowo


    P: 501236020

    E: zamowienia@naturaraj.pl

    W: www.naturaraj.pl

    Stand number: 111

    NaturaRaj is a wholesaler and producer of organic and natural food. NaturaRaj brand is characterized by excellent quality, taste and composition. We appreciate naturalness and we know how delicious, fantastic in taste can be organic and natural products. We possess the Agro Bio Test certificate.

  • NaturAvena Sp. z o.o.

    Raszyńska 13 , klatka 8

    05-500 Piaseczno


    P: 22- 711-25-17

    E: biuro@naturavena.pl

    W: www.naturavena.pl

    Stand number: 132

    NaturAvena is one of the national leaders producing organic food. Thanks to a wide range of products, compliance with the highest standards of quality of production and raw materials the company develops at an extremely dynamic pace. By dint of committed, experienced and passionate employees, we ar


    Dolna 4

    42-283 Boronów


    P: 34 356 00 05

    E: biuro@niro-bio.pl

    W: www.niro-bio.pl

    Stand number: 167

    We are a producer of burr mills for grinding grains, coffee and spices as well as a producer of organic foods: whole grain, freshly-milled pasta, pasta made of white spelt flour, cereals products – flour, groats, cereals and grains of spelt, einkorn wheat, emmer wheat and oat. We are a distributor of organic gluten-free Schnitzer products. These include bread, sweets, snacks and pasta.

  • NITA Tomasz Niciński

    Plac 500-lecia3

    95-030 RZGÓW

    Polska, Poland

    E: tomasznicinski@op.pl

    W: www.cukiernianita.pl

    Stand number: 171

  • Nitai Sp. z o.o.

    ul. Główna 1A

    51-180 Psary (k. Wrocławia)


    P: +48 607 526 016

    E: hurt@nitai.pl

    W: www.nitai.pl

    Stand number: 14

    NITAI Sp. z o.o. is a wholsaler of natural cosmetics and an exclusive distributor i.a. of Mohani, Khadi and Tints of Nature brands in Poland. Over 10 years in the natural & eco beauty resulted in nearly a thousand satisfied Partners throughout Poland, ecological shops, drugstores and pharmacies.

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