11th International Organic and Natural Food Fair NATURA FOOD & 7th Ecological Lifestyle Fair beECO - Edition: 2018-10-12 - 2018-10-14


  • EKOLAND - Stowarzyszenie Producentów Żywności Metodami Ekologicznymi

    Kołobrzeska 43

    78-300 Świdwin


    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    W: www.ekolandzach.pl

    Stand number: 215

  • Ekologiczne Gospodarstwo Pszczelarskie "Eko-Barć 1954" Krzysztof Patalas

    Biernatka 23

    77-330 Czarne


    P: 59 83 210 92

    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    W: www.ekobarc.pl

    Stand number: 166

    "Our family traditions reach to 1954. The first organic apiary in Poland which is certificate by AGROBIOTEST. Our Forest honey is on Traditional Food List.

    We offer the following honeys: Forest Raspberry, Buckwheat, Meadow, Multiflorous, Lime, Honeydew and many other bee product.


  • Ekologiczne Smaki Sp z o.o .

    Modularna 24/20

    02-239 Warszawa

    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    W: www.ekologicznesmaki.pl, www.ecomania.com.pl, www.vegebox.pl

    Stand number: 83

    Since 2014, we offer a wide range of organic vegetables and fruits to wholesale clients as well as to customers via online retail stores ecomania.com.pl and vegebox.pl. We closely cooperate with Polish farmers as well as organic companies from Sicily, France and Spain.  

  • EKOPIEROZEK AR Szelc Sp.j.

    Krakowska 89

    38-400 Krosno

    Polska, Poland

    P: +48 134321214

    F: +48 134204180

    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    W: ekopierozek.pl

    Stand number: 121

    We are a family company, founded in 1995. Our products include ready-to-cook food: dumplings, raviolis, pancakes, etc. Their recipe and manual preparation are based on old, proven recipes and the ingredients for their production come from certified farms.

  • Ekostyle

    Kukiełki 3a

    02-207 Warszawa

    Polska, Poland

    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    W: eko.style

    Stand number: MEDIA

    A lifestyle magazine about healthy lifestyle, ecological trends and people who follow these trends. Ekostyle co-creates stars and celebrities designing new directions. The main subjects are ecobusiness, responsible fashion, eco-cosmetics, healthy cuisine and living in harmony with nature.

  • Energia Zdrowia

    Mickiewicza, 3

    56-400 Oleśnica


    P: 71 3984850

    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    W: energiazdrowia.pl

    Stand number: 8

    For over 12 years we have been running a shop specializing in natural therapies based on balanced nutrition, in particular we focus on awareness of drinking natural juices. We are the official distributor in Poland of world leading brands such as BioChef and Angel.

  • Energy Poland sp. z o.o.

    11 Listopada 60

    43-300 Bielsko-Biała


    P: 33 812 60 82

    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    W: www.energy.sk/pl

    Stand number: 48

    skuteczne. Substancje aktywne pochodzą przeważnie z wolnego zbioru lub gospodarstw ekologicznych. Nie korzystamy z anonimowych dostawców. Odpowiedzialnie wykorzystujemy tylko najczystsze i najbardziej skuteczne substancje aktywne tak, by utrzymać pełną wyjątkowość naszych produktów.

  • English Tea Shop Polska

    Grota Roweckiego 116

    52-232 Wrocław

    Polska, Poland

    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    W: www.herbata.sklep.pl

    Stand number: 220


    Przejazdowa 27

    05-800 Pruszków

    Polska, Poland

    P: 22 758 76 92

    F: 22 758 77 82

    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    W: www.eterno.pl

    Stand number: 105

    The most delicious fruit preserves - the highest quality fruits, traditional recipes, no preservatives, unique, own compositions for the connoisseurs of good taste. A family company taking care of the highest standards while producing eco fruits in syrup, in chocolate, jams, syrups, snacks.

  • Excellence S.A.

    Lipa 20A

    95-010 Stryków


    P: (42) 719-81-12

    E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    W: www.syropy.eu

    Stand number: 155

    Excellence - striving after perfection we are one of the largest Polish producers of syrups and for many years we are already delivering excellent high quality products to customers. In our offer we also have an ecological line "bio", including traditional and exotic syrups, juices and soon our BIO mousses will already come in BIO Juices are products created exclusively of fruit and vegetables from certificate of ecological cultivations. For us a quality, a taste and a nature are most important. Our tastes it: raspberry, bilberry, black without and chokeberry. BIO syrups are haughty, natural syrups, created on the basis of fruits and plants from ecological cultivations. BIO syrups are a perfect substitute for the granulated sugar

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