16th International Pet Fair - Edition: 2017-09-15 - 2017-09-17
E-system Tomasz Furman
Brzezińska 19 L
03-075 Warszawa
P: 51 262 76 76
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stand number: E 14
Wildborn, K9, Wolfsblut and Wildcat are the brands of feed we are importers of.
Without cereal and gluten-free 100% natural ingredients.
All recipes ennoble nature and its "original ideas" fruits, vegetables and herbs.
K9 - lyophilized New Zealand food.
31-150 KRAKÓW
P: 222500600
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stand number: D 20
EMPIRE GENUINE PETFOOD STORY-It’s a unique, fully balanced Nutritional Programme of the Ultra Premium segment dedicated for cats and dogs of all breeds. The EMPIRE products are based on the grain-free health-improving formulas and a very high content of valuable kinds of fresh meat.
ERBE Animals
Kościuszki 61f
43-190 Mikołów
P: 32 335 05 02, 32 302
F: 32 302 23 80
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stand number: A 8
ERBE Animals
Office and warehouse: Kościuszki 61f, 43-190 Mikołów
phone: 32 335 05 02, 302 23 81
email: biuro@erbeanimals.pl
Exclusive importer and distributor of reputable companies: Nature's Protection, Araton, Jazzy, K9, K9 Horse, Pet Care Laboratory.
44-100 GLIWICE
P: 32/2700207/08
F: 32/2700208
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stand number: C 7
PPH Eskulap Gliwice is focused on permanent development and increase of products portfolio. Except of being exclusive distributor of Hartz company products, expands distribution on: GiGwi - producer of boutique toys for cats and dogs, Lishinu - manufacturer of innovative hands free dog leashes.
PPHU Ewenement Iwona Magdziarska-Olesińska
Wiązowa 46
53-119 Wrocław
P: 62 739 11 54
F: 62 739 11 54
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stand number: A 34
PPHU Ewenement was founded in 1990. Ewenement is the exclusive distributor of bosch Tiernahrung GmbH & Co - bosch, bosch PLUS/SOFT, Sanabelle, Golden cat litters and also spanish ultra Premium Brand - Natural Greatness (dry and wet food for dogs and cats).