FAIR OF LOGISTICS WAREHOUSE INTRALOMAG - Edition: 2016-11-23 - 2016-11-24
Fair range
Fair range
I. Internal transport:
- machinery and transport equipment
- boostersloading (cranes, lifts, elevators, ramps)
- maintenance-free transport systems ( AutomatedGuided AGV- Vehickle)
II. Storage systems:
- storeshelves
- containers and pallets
- equipment for labeling/marking
III. The auxiliary storage device:
- auxiliary equipment for storage and handling
- control and measurement devices
- sorting machines
- control and measurement devices
- packaging and order-picking systems
- fire protection equipment and personal protection work
- equipment for cleaning
IV. Software and IT systems:
- e- logistics (tracking and monitoring shipments)
- internal logistics systems and software
- control technology
- controlling
- technologies of identification (Auto ID/ RFID)
V. Outsoursing services in warehouse logisticst
- transport services, freightforwarding
- hire transport packaging
- financial services and leasing
- services related to storage
- employee leasing
- other services: health and safety and fire protection, cleaning, security, monitoring
- certifications (ISO , HACCP )
VI . Transport logistics
- intermodal transport (containers and cargo transport fleet, cargo handling equipment, ports and terminals, carriers)
- transport by road, rail, sea and air
- road and rail infrastructure
- logistics and freightforwarding
- ITS and telematicsin transport
- services and solutionsabout transport (insurance, customs services, financing)
VII . Developers warehouse and logistics operators