9th International Organic and Natural Food Fair NATURA FOOD - Edition: 2016-10-07 - 2016-10-09

Biokurier Academy

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LodzSaturday 8th October 2016

11.00 am - 11.30 am        Ecoprofile. Overview of the reports and analyzes of consumer and market trends.
conducted by:                     Karol Przybylak

11.30 am - 12.15 am        Do I exist if I am not at Google? E-marketing in the promotion of eco-products
conducted by:                     Adam Turowiec

12.15 am  - 1.00 pm        Show your best side! Visual marketing in promotion of  edibles
conducted by:                    Aneta Młodzikova

1.00 pm - 2.00 pm           Place branding- how to use it in promotion of your ecological shop or restaurant.
conducted by:                   Piotr Geise PhD


For more details check website. 

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