11th International Organic and Natural Food Fair NATURA FOOD & 7th Ecological Lifestyle Fair beECO - Edition: 2018-10-12 - 2018-10-14
11th International Organic and Natural Food Fair NATURA FOOD & 7th Ecological Lifestyle Fair beECO
Between 12 and 14 October, Łódź will host the most important and the largest event in the ecoproducts industry in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe - the 11th edition of the NATURA FOOD International Organic and Natural Food Fair and the 7th edition of the BEECO Ecological Lifestyle Exhibition.
NATURA FOOD and beECO are events with an established position, which the industry is waiting. Every year, there are numerous permanent exhibitors - well-known to our visitors, as well as new companies appearing offering a wide range of interesting products and solutions that have just appeared on the market. Every visitor to the Fair, who is professionally connected with the bio-food industry and organic products or also visits the event as a lover and propagator of a healthy lifestyle, will surely find something for himself. The NATURA FOOD and beECO fairs give a unique opportunity to get acquainted in one place and time with a wide range of high quality products produced both by Polish and foreign producers and processors. The trade fair program abounds with many interesting accompanying events, prepared for the representatives of the industry and conscious and demanding connoisseurs of the eco style.
Over 350 companies from Poland and abroad - producers, processors, exporters and distributors of high quality bioproducts took part in the 10th edition of the NATURA FOOD and VI beECO Fair. The vast majority of exhibitors, because more than 50% presented products with an organic certificate and natural, low-processed products, produced based on high-quality ingredients. The market offer also included products from the vege, fit, superfoods segment (food of natural origin, rich in nutrients) or ecological product lines for women and children. The novelty was organic products ready to be consumed, i.e. a proposition for those who live fast, at a rapid pace. This year the beECO Fair turned out to be a record. Over 70 exhibitors presented a wide range of natural and ecological cosmetics and cleaning products. Extremely widely represented this year were dietary supplements and superfoods. The presentation of Polish companies was complemented by exhibitors from abroad: Great Britain, Germany, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Italy, Greece, Belarus, Sweden and Spain.
For more information do not hesitate to contact us!
Mateusz Szewc - Project Manager
tel. +48 42 639 00 58, fax +48 42 674 15 01
mobile: +48 603 171 410
e-mail: mateusz.szewc@makis.pl